Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy: Cold – Related Diseases
Each of us with cold season coming has a raw of questions. How to prevent cold? What remedies should be used at emergence of the first symptoms? How are new strains of flu dangerous? We will try to answer On these and many other questions.
Cold-Related Diseases diseases are the Most Widespread
In recent years we began to be ill much more often. Acute respiratory diseases are considered as the most widespread, they even were included into Guinness Book of World Records concerning this indicator.
Among the factors influencing the spread of acute respiratory diseases it is possible to point out environmental pollution, the harmful impurity getting on mucous membrane and causing an inflammation, and also the allergy reducing protective function of nasal cavity. Besides, few years ago swine flu was the greatest damage for us at that period of time.
Adults with normal immunity system acute respiratory diseases happen on average one-two times within year. Children are having such disorders more often, school students – three-four times, and kids – five-six times within a year. The similar situation is considered to be normal as immunity at children is only being formed. Frequent diseases aren’t a reason for reception of immunocorrection, especially without pediatrician’s recommendation. After such recommendations reception you may make orders of drugs via Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy.
As a rule, acute respiratory diseases starts with cold. Symptoms, of course, are unpleasant, but not terrible. It is much more dangerous when the infection falls below, at first damaging pharynx and larynx, and then – trachea, bronchial tubes and lungs.
Vaccination Helps to Struggle with Flu
Some people with fear treat vaccination. Nevertheless, doctors are sure that it is necessary to be protected from flu. The vaccination reduces strain activity causing epidemic in this season. In addition, the vaccine promotes reorganization of immune system and develops organism resistance to other strains of flu.
It is impossible to take medicine for too long
Any strong preparation, including antibiotics, has the advantages and disadvantages. Advantages are obvious: fast elimination of harmful microbes, removal of disease’s symptoms, simplification of patient’s condition. Such dangerous side effect as immune system suppression belongs to disadvantages. Therefore it is necessary to accept system antibiotics only according to the recommendation and under supervision of the doctor.
Drops for nasal congestion treatment belong to symptomatic medications, they influence locally, removing a certain symptom. The nose carries out some of very important functions: it provides free breath, in addition is both peculiar “vacuum cleaner”, and “oven”, and “refrigerator”. The nasal cavity adsorbs the harmful substances containing in air. In cold weather air is warmed in nose not to allow over cooling mucous airways.
At cold development function of breath is broken and there is a need to dig in the preparations causing narrowing of vessels and reducing hypostasis. But later drops cease to help. They cause accustoming and resistance of an organism, promoting thereby development of medicamentous rhinitis. Besides, drops narrow vessels not only in nasal cavity, but also is brain reflex, increase arterial pressure, can serve as the reason of dangerous complications therefore it isn’t recommended to apply them more long than week. To order nasal drops you may via Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy.
Vitamins Are Good
Vitamins are very good means in fight against viral infections, especially vitamin C – the most powerful antioxidant. They are applied as components of complex therapy at flu treatment.
Untimely Treatment Can Lead to Complications
Many people, having felt the first symptoms of cold, illogically don’t begin treatment, and having collected will in a fist run for work. Similar practice is very dangerous especially against acute respiratory diseases development of complications is possible: bronchitis, pneumonia, average otitis, sinusitis, antritis, chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis. With these diseases it is much more difficultly to struggle, than with usual cold.
Bronchitis, pneumonia and such chronic pathologies as pharyngitis and laryngitis, develop at infection penetration into the lower airways. The banal cold which isn’t cured in time is led to mucous inflammation by paranasal sinuses to sinusitis, and also purulent antritis. Besides, at cold there is a blockade of an acoustical pipe through which air comes to an ear. Violation of ventilation creates conditions for reproduction of microbes and viruses. As a result the dangerous disease namely average otitis can develop.