Description of Phenylketonuria. Treatment by Drugs Sold By Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy
Phenylketonuria is a hereditary disorder which is characterized by protein metabolism disorder. For the first time this disease was found in 1934. Phenylketonuria is inherited on so-called autosomal-recessive type, that is at absolutely healthy parents children sick with phenylketonuria can be born.
There are tree types of this disorder. Phenylketonuria of the first type is characterized by the lack in phenylalanine hydroxylase in the organism. Due to this enzyme amino acid phenylalanine is transformed into tyrosine. This type of phenylketonuria is usually observed in children namely ninety eight per cent of children suffer from this disorder.
Phenylketonuria of the second type is manifested in the lac of dihydropteridine reductase. The sufferers of the second type have such symptoms as convulsions and mental subnormality. This type is rarely to be met in children, only one-two per cent is observed. But this type of phenylketonuria is more dangerous and leads to a fatal case especially in children of two three years old.
For phenylketonuria of the third type lack in tetrahydrobioptherine is characteristic. The main symptom of this type is mental subnormality because of microcephalism. Microcephalism is the brain endocasts reduction.
It is terrible when you see the sufferings of your child. Of course all conscious parents do their best to help their creature to overcome this disorder. They will try to find a highly-qualified doctor ready to examine them, after such an examination you will receive the prescription list with which you may go to the drug store or to order drugs via the Internet. The Internet drug store Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy provides its customers with an outstanding service and low prices. Its main goal is to satisfy all the customers’ needs.
The main reasons of phenylketonuria in children is considered to be gene-mutation located on the twelve chromosome. Consanguineous marriage increases the risk of anomaly appearance. Consanguineous marriage increase risk of anomaly appearance. At deficiency of certain enzymes the increase in blood of phenylalanine derivatives which have the poisoning effect on nervous system of the child is observed. Phenylketonuria is inherited approximately equally by both boys, and girls. So when your children is at the risk zone, it is better to be attentive to notice the symptoms, especially the first ones to start acting immediately not wasting time for some other events and Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy is a good enough in this situation for ordering drugs. Money you may save will help you to spend them for something more pleasant for your child.
The main symptom of this disease strong vomiting is considered. During the period from two to six months, both mother, and the treating doctor can notice lag of the child in mental and physical development. The children sick with phenylketonuria, after other contemporaries start sitting and going. Also obvious symptom of phenylketonuriais the increased perspiration with a characteristic “mouse” sweat smell. Spasms, irritability, slackness, a capriciousness and tearfulness, reduction of the head size, a rash on skin are observed. At the children sick with phenylketonuria, teeth are late cutting. With development of phenylketonuria the muscular tone that is characterized by a certain pose at the child which else is called “the tailor’s pose” raises (the hands bent in joints and feet).
But it is not the pushing element not to love your child because of this disease. Parents should take all their efforts to help their child to become safe and sound. It is up to us to decide whether we will put our hands off or act.