Erythema nodosum is a disease of subcutaneous fat violation and skin vessels. This disorder meets quite often especially pregnant women suffer from this disorder. Symptom of erythema nodosum is emergence of small knots with a diameter from one to three cm. Often they arise on shins, but also can appear in zone of hips, buttocks and hands. As a rule, emergence of small knots is symmetric on both extremities. Small knots have a brilliant, thin and hot surface, are slightly higher than a level of skin surface and are painful during pressing. The warning of rash emergence at erythema nodosum are dray feelings in joints, the conditions of a general malaise and fever similar to states at flu.
There is a lot of reasons of erythema nodosum also they are rather different. The most widespread is considered to be tuberculosis, streptococcal infections and sarcoidosis. Other main reasons for erythema nodosum including infectious and non-infectious.
To infectious reasons we may refer trichophytosis, lymphogranuloma inguinale, catscratch disease, lepra, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, primary coccidioidomycosis, yersiniosis and others.
Non-infectious reasons we may consider to be pregnancy, vaccine, medicines, Hodgkin disease, leucosis, tumors, local enteritis, colitis ulcerativa, Behcet’s disease.
Erythema nodosum can arise from the use of salycylates, iodides, bromidum, sulfanilamides, antibiotics and other drugs, especially from application of contraceptives. Those people who have phlebeurysm and thrombophlebitis are also subject. It is explained by these factors why pregnant women are strongly subject to erythema nodosum. Often erythema nodosum can be an independent disease. In such cases it is impossible to establish the reason.
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We may distinguish acute and chronic erythema nodosum. The acute form is characterized by temperature increase to 39 °C, fever emergence, joint, neck, hips and shoulders pain. Under skin there are consolidations which don’t have a clear boundary. Bright red spots which appear in the beginning, pass within a month. Subspecies of a chronic form are leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis differs in a small amount of small knots which don’t pass and, respectively, don’t change the color. It proceeds very long, often there is recurrence.
To define the reasons and to appoint treatment of this disorder, it is necessary to address to the dermatologist. The doctor will expose the diagnosis during visual examination. At primary address pharyngeal swab on streptococcus identification and dung on yersiniais are given, the lungs roentgenogram becomes to exclude sarcoidosis and tuberculosis. Rash, as a rule, treat by means of corticosteroids. But they aren’t used if there are infectious diseases. All these kinds of drugs may be ordered via Canadian Neighbor Pharmacy. You won’t regret because you will receive drugs and save your money considerably.